Rules regarding circulation and/or labour activity in the port facilities.

  • Respect circulation rules and way signposting.
  • Give way preference to the machinery that is working.
  • Follow security signals.
  • It is not allowed to get close to the pier without the group.
  • It is not allowed to get close to the zones where loading and unloading operations are being carried out or zones where goods are being manipulated with cranes, fork-lifts or containers if you are not with personal from La Cofradía de Pescadores de Barcelona (Barcelona Fishermen’s Association).
  • It is not allowed to get close to any electrical installation.
  • It is not allowed to get close to the goods under any circumstances.
  • The personal identification provided will be visible at every moment.
  • There are restricted areas.
  • It is not allowed to take pictures of boat members or the people in the fishery without their consent.
  • The Fishing Port, due to health and hygiene regulations, strictly forbids touching the fish and the rest of the products exposed.
  • In any case, group members will follow without exception any order gave by La Cofradía de Pescadores de Barcelona and the person in charge of the visit.